Lactose in milk During infancy, the baby's body secretes a special lactase enzyme to help digest the lactose in milk. But after weaning and teething, many Orientals do not have this enzyme, and many Westerners have this enzyme. Why? The easterners belong to the farming nation, and the westerners belong to the nomadic nation. The ancestral eating habits dominate the intestinal length and endocrine tolerance of the descendants.
After an adult Asian drink milk, if the body does not have lactase enzyme, most of them will feel flatulence, pain and cramps, and even diarrhea. However, when an elderly person loses their teeth, including molars, most elderly people's bodies re-secrete lactase to help digest the lactose in milk. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, children are pure yang bodies, milk is pure yin, and the balance of yin and yang can help children develop and grow.
After adults drink milk, if there is no lactase in the body, the pure yin milk will diffuse into the Sanjiao system and block the hair orifice of the Sanjiao system, which will cause gastrointestinal diseases and some complex diseases including tumors. Therefore, cancer patients must stop drinking milk.
If the body does not have or does not have enough lactase to help digestion and absorption, it is not recommended to drink milk frequently. Drinking it occasionally is fine.