Coughing is a reflex defensive behavior for airway self-protection. A complete coughing action goes through the following steps, first inhalation, relaxation of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm, then closing of the glottis, contraction of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm, resulting in about 40Kpa inner pressure. Then, the diaphragm muscle contracts rapidly and the glottis suddenly opens, and the air in the lungs quickly rushes out of the respiratory tract, ejecting the secretions or foreign bodies adhering to the respiratory mucosa, and finally forming a coughing action. These complex and coordinated actions are stimulated by nerve ending receptors to generate impulses, which excite the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata through afferent nerves, and then send out impulses from the respiratory center, which are triggered by efferent nerves acting on the intercostal muscles, diaphragm, and glottis. For coughing and expectoration, the afferent impulses of receptors to the cough center and the excitatory outflow of the cough center are mainly through the vagus nerve. During the day, the excitability of the vagus nerve is relatively low, so we will feel that the cough during the day is often not very serious, but after sleeping at night, due to the increase in the excitability of the vagus nerve, the bronchial smooth muscle contracts and makes the bronchial tubes. The cavity is deformed and reduced, the sensitivity of the respiratory tract increases, coupled with the stimulation of respiratory secretions, the cough will become more intense and frequent, which is the key reason for the severe cough at night.