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我们每天需要补充多少水?How much water do we need every day?

Writer's picture: 黄威連医师 · William Ng黄威連医师 · William Ng





About 150cc of water in the human body will be excreted by our feces, and breathing will also cause about 300cc of water loss. Even if the skin does not sweat, it will lose about 450cc of water every day, so even if you do not sweat or urinate, you should drink 900cc of water.

Our kidneys filter about 180L of fluid every day, more than 99% of which is reabsorbed, and less than 1% of which is excreted. Therefore, people who urinate less are likely to cause high oxalic acid, high uric acid, and high calcium salts in their urine. If the concentration is high and not excreted, it will cause crystalize = kidney stones.

However, how much water you need to drink and how much water you need to drink is different for everyone, the indicator is that the color of the urine is too yellowish = it means that the water intake is insufficient.

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